Thursday, October 27, 2016


This is 2016, and until recent years it was difficult to successfully do online or Internet oriented business in Nigeria, mostly due to lack of technology and also due to the perceived dubious nature of some Nigerians who try to misuse every opportunity to their detriments. In the beginning you had to get a fake US address and a virtual Credit card to transact online, most e-commerce websites barred Nigerian addresses and IP from registering on their platforms.

Today the coast is clearer; Google now have Google Nigeria; Online companies E-bay, Amazon, PayPal, etc. now recognize Nigerians and Nigerian payment channels and Cards for online payment. This has opened doors for Nigerians wanting to earn income online, whether part time or full time.

This brings the question of what profitable online ventures you can engage in as a Nigerian living in Nigeria. I am not trying to tell you about what I read in books or on the Internet. The businesses on this list are those I have personally engaged in at one time or the other. Of course,  I have laid my hands on much more than these, but in the process I have gotten my fingers burnt; hence I am presenting only those that have stood the test of time.
There is risk in every business you do, whether online or offline; there is not necessarily more risk in online business than offline, it depends on how you play your cards. Learning is key; to understand where you are coming from and where you hope to be. My goal is to give you all the materials you need to learn how to do all or any of the ten under-listed Online businesses. If you are interested then read on:

Let me sound a note of warning:
If you are looking for something to do to get rich overnight, this Blog will not help you, you may want to go find money doublers or participate in lotteries. What you will have here is a learning process, followed by investment of your time and money, then followed by success and wealth. How long the process takes depends entirely on your devotion, interest and work ethics; but sooner or later, if you follow the right path, success will come. Continue by reading the next post below if you are still interested...


If you are still reading, congratulations! Here are the 10 online businesses you can start as soon as possible and profit from them as a Nigerian living in Nigeria:

1.        Blogging with Monetization
2.        Google Adsense/Adwords
3.        Social Media Marketing
4.       Affiliate Marketing
5.        Information materials Production/Marketing 
        (E-books & Audio-visuals)
6.        Web Design/Maintenance services/E-Commerce
7.        E-Currency Collecting/Investing
8.        Online Surveys
9.        Forex/Binary Options Trading
10.   Online/Virtual Soccer/Sports Betting

The businesses are numbered in my own order of preference, especially in terms of risk rating and also potential for success; number 9 and 10 have higher risk for small start-up, you may want to leave such aside until you have reasonable capital. You can actually set up some of these businesses without spending any money, relatively, but there is no such business that will not require capital.

In this case your first investment is in Education and Learning. I will give you at least two standard E-books per Business type to guide you step by step on how to set up and run these online businesses. Not just that, for those who need my attention, I will give you all the phone, e-mail, and chat support that you need to get started and be up about your online business. This means 20 or more E-books and my precious time in order to help you succeed.

How much will I charge for this? I don’t have time for marketing gimmicks so I’ll go straight to the point, if I give you 20 e-books at 1k each, that will be 20k and sounds like a lot of money. But if you have 5k, and I mean N5,000 only, then you can have the information that you need to start and run all the businesses listed above. The E-books are explanatory enough as long as you can read English language and comprehend. But if you need, in addition to the E-books my attention and guidance via phone calls, e-mails and chats, then you will need to pay additional 10k, that is N10,000, and that will give you my coaching opportunity for three months non-stop.

In summary, you either pay 5k and get all the materials and E-books on how to start the above businesses online, or you pay 15k to get all the E-books plus my three months coaching and guidance service. Welcome and see you at the top!
To order, pay to any of the following Nigerian Bank Accounts, then send me an email at or sms on 08075660399.

Bank Name:       First Bank of Nigeria
Account Name:  Aniekan-Abasi Ventures
Account No.:      2025200535 (Current Account)

Bank Name:       First City Monument Bank
Account Name:  Jacob Aniekan Asuquo
Account No.:      2659930010 (Savings Account)

Bank Name:       Ecobank
Account Name:  Jacob Aniekan Asuquo
Account No.:      2341157763 (Savings Account)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


This is October 2016; until recent years it was difficult to successfully do online or Internet oriented business in Nigeria, mostly due to lack of technology and also due to the perceived dubious nature of some Nigerians who try to misuse every opportunity to their detriments. In the beginning you had to get a fake US address and a virtual Credit card to transact online, most e-commerce websites barred Nigerian addresses and IP from registering on their platforms.

Today the coast is clearer; Google has google NG, E-bay, Amazon, PayPal, etc. now recognize Nigerians and Nigerian payment channels and Cards for online payment. This has opened doors for Nigerians wanting to earn income online, whether part time or full time.

This brings the question of what profitable online ventures you can engage in as a Nigerian living in Nigeria. I am not trying to tell you about what I read in books or on the Internet. The items on this list are those I have personally engaged in and still engaging in. Of course  I have engaged in much more than these but in the process I have gotten my fingers burnt hence I am presenting only those that have stood the test of time.

Let me sound some warnings:
1.   If you are looking for something to do to get rich very overnight, then this Blog will not help you, you may want to go find money doublers or participate in lotteries.
2.   At the end of this article I will present to you learning materials (E-books) you may be chose to buy in order to learn how to start any or all of these online businesses. If you are unwilling to pay for the materials you need, including my personal coaching/guidance, or you are unwilling to take time to learn how to start and succeed in these businesses, then there is no need to read further. You will pay for what you need, and once supplied to you, you won’t be able to get your money back. It will be incumbent on you to learn and implement the process to achieve your success goals, and it will be incumbent on me to help you with my maximum effort to succeed.
3.   I will post one profitable online business per day for 8 consecutive days; you are encouraged to open this blog daily for the next 8 days to have a full read of the business ideas. I do not intend to bombard you with too many materials in one day, rather you read about one business idea, then spend time to research and learn more about it before you access the next one the next day. This way you will be able to make informed decision.

If you are still reading, congratulations! Here are the 8 online businesses you can start as soon as possible and profit from them as a Nigerian living in Nigeria:

Friday, October 21, 2016


You all know about Affiliate Marketing, or have heard about it at one point or the other since you began looking for online income opportunities. You probably know about CLICKBANK. Those in Nigeria will know that Clickbank still do not accept Nigerians signing up to promote their products.

But Affiliate Marketing is not about to go away; it remains one of the surest, and a relatively easier way of making money online. With or without CLICKBANK, you can make money online via Affiliate Marketing, selling other people's products, sometime for an incredible 100% commission up to $50 or more per sale. Referral bonuses can be earned from several generations below you.

Do no wait for CLICKBANK, or even depend on Clickbak alone if you were lucky to sign up with them; Here is a REVELATION of an Affiliate programme that can make you tonnes of $$$. Follow the link below to sign up and learn how you can make $500 within the first 30 days.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Here's the Easiest $500 You'll Ever Make as a Newbie or even an Old Time Affiliate and you won't need to point a gun at anyone for that to happen.

Let me remind you that you do not need a website, a blog or even a mailing list for this to happen, you can sign up today and start making money within 24 hours if you follow this step-by-step guide.

I am not here to waste your time, you may want to see things for yourself; I purchased this product just yesterday and I am already earning! CLICK HERE; let's pursue our first $500 together.